Released in 2019, The last boy is a science-fiction thriller set in an era where the world was coming to an end due to a radioactive wind. The movie begins with Sira (Flynn Allen) a young boy who looks after his sick mother. Before she died she tells him about a safe place (a place that grants wishes) she tells him the location and also that he should go there when she dies.
Sira's mother dies in her sleep during the night and Sira begins his journey to the place that grants wishes. He stays close to rivers and bodies of water to protect him from the ghostly wind that leaves anyone in its path as a statue of ash. He meets a younger girl named Lily (Matilda Freeman) and she stays with him for protection. The two of them strive to keep themselves safe till they get to the place that grants wishes.
This movie like most thriller is about a small group of survivors trying to get away from an enemy in this case a wind attracted to sound. This movie could be more attractive but the attraction is buried although there are few good moments. The last boy is a challenging and entertaining movie. It was released on January 8th 2019 and it runs for 89 minutes.
Sira's mother dies in her sleep during the night and Sira begins his journey to the place that grants wishes. He stays close to rivers and bodies of water to protect him from the ghostly wind that leaves anyone in its path as a statue of ash. He meets a younger girl named Lily (Matilda Freeman) and she stays with him for protection. The two of them strive to keep themselves safe till they get to the place that grants wishes.
This movie like most thriller is about a small group of survivors trying to get away from an enemy in this case a wind attracted to sound. This movie could be more attractive but the attraction is buried although there are few good moments. The last boy is a challenging and entertaining movie. It was released on January 8th 2019 and it runs for 89 minutes.
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