Bumblebee is a prequel to the Transformers universe set in 1987. It begins during a civil war on Cybertron the home planet of transformers. Autobot resistance leader Optimus prime (Voiced by Peter Cullen) after being almost defeated sends his young lieutenant, B-127 (Voiced by Dylan O'Brien) to Earth in order to establish a base for them to reinforce and fight back to claim their planet back from the Decepticons.
B-127 crash lands on a military training ground and he was chased by the officers led by an army general (Played by John Cena) who saw him as a threat to Earth. He was followed by two Decepticons who fought him and destroyed his voice box.
Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), one of the main characters in this movie is an 18 year old girl who is trying to cope with the death of her father finds B-127 in a junkyard in the form of an old yellow Volkswagen beetle which she fixed and took home. Later in her garage, the beetle transforms into a robot that she names Bumblebee.
Charlie becomes friends with Bumblebee and hides him from her family but he was discovered by her neighbor Memo (Jorge Landeborg Jr) who has been trying to ask her out but she hardly notices him. After
a while, the twoDecepticons named Shatter (Angela Basset) and Dropkick (Justin Theroux) who chased him before finds out that he is still alive and they came back to Earth. They trick the U. S government and the military uniform into believing that Bumblebee is a fugitive and the government agents help them track him by giving the aliens access to their satelite.
This adventure /action movie features less violence, language and sex than the previous transformers movies. It still contains huge fight scenes. There is explosive destruction and weapons are used. There is few use of "damn" and "shit". Charlie plays a courageous role as the lead character. The themes in this movie are those of courage, friendship and teamwork. Although there was no need for this prequel it exceeds the expectations of the viewers and it is considered to have the best storyline out of the other transformer movies.
It is directed by Travis Knight and was released on 21st December 2018. It is rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action violence and it runs for 113 minutes.
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