Sunday, 6 December 2020


Happiest Season is a movie about a young woman trying to find the courage to live the life that she wants despite having controlling parents who want everything to be picture perfect. This movie provides a strong message about finding the confidence to be yourself, especially in the face of family rejection. The story is about Harper (Mackenzie Davis)  a lesbian who invited her girlfriend  Abby (Kristen Stewart) to her family house for Christmas because Abby was going to be alone. On their way, Harper confesses that she has not told her parents that she was gay so they have to pretend to be roommates. The unwillingness of Harper to come out to those around her starts to put a strain on her relationship with Abby (who vents to both her friend John, played by Daniel Levy, and to Riley). Will Harper be able to conquer her fear and save her relationship? 

This movie talks about the fact that parents should support their children and not try to make them into someone or something they are not. Harper's parents are politicians so they groomed their family to be the perfect family to win elections. This made the children lives unhappy in the long run. Parents should understand the importance of their children's happiness and children should learn to be themselves no matter what.  From Harper's struggle to embrace herself and be genuinely content with who she is, both parents and children will gain. In terms of the movie's themes about accepting their faults and making their children feel welcomed just as they are. 


  1. Lemme rush and see this one ,I love Christmas movie 😍

  2. Lemme rush and see this one ,I love Christmas movie 😍

    1. Dont worry many more Christmas movie are to come.

  3. Nice more skills to review....

  4. Nice one dear, would love to see this movie

    1. It really is a great movie.. if you need it I can send you the download link
