Switched is a great movie that reminds me of Freaky Friday. Cassandra Evans (Miya Horcher) a high schooler was a victim of bullies. She hated her life and she longed to be someone else specifically Katie Sharp (Madeline Byrne) the most popular girl in their school who was a bully. One night after Cassandra was bullied in school by Katie she prayed to God that Katie should experience how it feels to be her. Cassandra got her wish as the two girls swith bodies and wake up as each other the next day. Now they have to work together to find a solution.
Switched speaks against bullying. It teaches the viewers that bullying is not the right thing to do. It uses Biblical views and principles to let viewers know that God wants us to show love to ourselves and to others . This movie also talks about jealousy and covetousness. Sometimes we may envy others and even wish to be them. This movie is a wake up call for us to be contented with our lives no matter how boring we feel it is. We should know that we are all unique and special in our own ways. We should not belittle ourselves.
Furthermore, we should try not to judge others because we don't know what they are going through. Like the popular saying goes "walk a mile in my shoes then you can tell me what to do" we should be kind to those around us because they might be going through a tough time and our kind action might just help to put a smile on their face . We should always be kind even to those who hurt us. We should endeavour to be good friends, brothers ,sisters, daughters, sons and parents.
Lastly, we should develop a high-self esteem. Due to bullying, Cassandra had low self esteem and she could not stand up for herself and face her bullies. We should value ourselves because if we do so, others will sense it and value you also Cassandra was a great singer and guitar player but because she felt worthless and had low self esteem she lacked courage so she never played in public. But when she discovered her value and worth she was able to sing in front of people and ace her audition into the prestigious Julliard.
Overall I loved this movie and I rate it a 10/10. I highly recommend it to everyone.
Follow this link to download full movie: https://www.downloadbetter.com/jlAfmJqsY54/switched-2020-netnaija-com-mp4.html?d=1
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